The Elixir Craftsman

Private information
DevOps Erlang LiveView OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL SQLite Tailwind

With determination and perseverance, I managed to bootstrap a lot of very intricate and interesting projects, improve and scale existing ones. Elixir for me is not only a great language with a loving community, but an essential weapon for efficient development and great products.

I was lucky to be a part of telecom, trucking and maps businesses, creating innovative solutions and tackling unique problems. I’ve enjoyed preaching and teaching to others elixir, be a team lead and work with some of the best experts from other industries.

I worked with a big part of elixir/erlang ecosystem, the most popular being OTP protocol libraries, phoenix liveview, advanced metaprogramming, distribution and management of production instances.

Actively looking

Chisinau, Chisinau, Moldova

05:55 PM

Remote / On-site

Interested in offers

Full time

Part time


Interested in roles

