Empower Elixir companies and grow with us

Connect ElixirDevs with companies looking to hire, and earn rewards for every successful referral.

How it works

Register as an affiliate

Sign up through our partner, Lemon Squeezy, to join our Affiliate Program. Once approved, you’ll be ready to start referring

Note: By registering, you agree to Lemon Squeezy’s Terms and Conditions.

Obtain your unique affiliate URL

Your unique ElixirDevs URL generated by Lemon Squeezy tracks your referrals, ensuring you get credit for every lead.

Refer and Earn

Earn a 10% commission for each payment made by companies you refer, as long as they remain subscribed, including hiring fees.

Supporting your success

ElixirDevs work very differently to other hiring services, and we understand that new companies may have questions about how it works.

But don't worry, we're here to answer any questions and support you and your referrals every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for in this section, please don't hesitate to contact us by email [email protected].

How Much Can I Earn?
Receive a continuous 10% commission from subscriptions and hiring fees of referred companies.
How to Refer Companies?
That’s up to you! Share your link on social media, blogs, and newsletters. Remember, quality over quantity—no spamming!
Payment Details
Lemon Squeezy payout on NET30 terms to account for refunds and chargebacks. For example, commissions generated in January would be paid out on March 15th (NET30).
How Can I Claim my Referrals?
Lemon Squeezy automatically credits your referrals. For any discrepancies, reach out to [email protected]
Is there any Coupon Code available?
We don’t provide discounts nor coupon codes for affiliates. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

Start Your Affiliate Journey Today