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Elixir service that connects you to employers. Find the job you want, not the job you have to take. Discover your next big opportunity with ElixirDevs!

Free access to our platform for job-seekers
Our platform will always be free for Elixir developers ready for their next opportunity.
Safe, inclusive environment
The site is open to all Elixir professionals, regardless of race, color, gender or experience.
Empowering Elixir
We strive to give power back to the professional when it comes to hiring.
Let employers reach out to you
Get messaged directly by companies inside the platform

Ready to start your next adventure?

Create your developer profile for free on ElixirDevs today to find your next Elixir adventure.

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for in this section, please don't hesitate to contact us by email [email protected].

Does ElixirDevs cost anything for developers?
ElixirDevs is always free for developers. Creating a profile is quick and easy.
Is my developer profile public?
Your public profile will always be anonymized. Only companies interested in contacting you will be able to see private info such as your name, avatar or social links. Also, you can choose the visibility of your profile and even set it to Invisible mode to avoid appearing in searches.
I'm interested in jobs using another technology, is it possible?
ElixirDevs is an Elixir-focused site and the companies looking for their next developer are usually looking for Elixir developers. However, other technologies are also welcome in your profile.