You have a job, we have 600+ Elixir developers ready to be hired
Hiring the right Elixir developer can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Diving in countless applications from unqualified candidates can be frustrating.
Unique candidate details for accurate searches
Unlock the power of unique candidate details with our advanced search engine. Find the perfect match for your team by leveraging these key features:
Job search status
Efficiently identify candidates who are actively seeking new opportunities.
Save time and streamline your hiring process.
Skills & experience
Navigate candidate profiles effortlessly based on their skills and experience.
Get a comprehensive view of their qualifications.
Simplify remote hiring by filtering candidates based on their timezones.
Our specialized engine ensures seamless global collaboration.
Remote preferences
Gain insights into candidate preferences — whether they're open to remote work or prefer an on-site role.
Quality Candidates
Services like ElixirDevs tend to attract high-quality candidates who are actively looking for new opportunities. Saving time and resources by reducing the need to sift through applications of unqualified candidates.
Faster Hiring Process
Faster hiring process compared to traditional job ads. Candidates can set if they are actively looking for opportunities which allows companies to quickly narrow down their search.
Traditional job ads platforms can be expensive and often require a significant investment in time and resources. In contrast, ElixirDevs offers a cost-effective solution, as businesses can explore the developers directory, filter, pitch them and send unlimited messages for a fixed monthly fee.
Start finding Elixir developers
Create your account to start browsing our database of 600+ Elixir developers for free.
Frequently asked questions
If you can't find the answer you're looking for about our plans, please don't hesitate to contact us by email [email protected].
- Does monthly subscription include the cost of the developer as well?
- No, monthly subscription grants your business access to ElixirDevs. You have to externally contract and pay the developers for the work they do.
- So what is the subscription for?
- A business subscription allows you to reach out directly to developers on ElixirDevs platform. It also unlocks information that is hidden from the public, like the real names of developers and their portfolio/social network links.
- How does the 5% hiring fee work?
- If you hire a employee through ElixirDevs you agree to pay a placement fee equal to 5% of their annual gross salary. Read the full hiring agreement that you will find before subscribing for more details.
- Can I pay annually or yearly?
- Yes. You can access an annual plan at a discounted rate.
- Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
- Yes. You can cancel your subscription from the Billing link in your company dashboard. You will lose access to all paid features at the end of your billing period.