Full stack engineer building with Elixir, LiveView and TypeScript

Private information
LiveView OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL ReactJS Tailwind

Software engineer who believes software should be built on the BEAM. Starting learning Elixir as a hobby and quickly fell in love with the language and runtime. Previously worked as an Elixir developer building an urban logistics platform for a startup. Also previously at a digital education startup building engaging application/games for children all across Europe; worked with Node.js, TypeScript, React and React Native.

Github Profile: https://github.com/charlieroth

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-thomas-roth/

Projects to learn more about my software skills:

  • Erlang Tips: https://github.com/charlieroth/erl_tips
  • MonkeyEx: https://github.com/charlieroth/monkey_ex
  • PomoTUI: https://github.com/charlieroth/pomotui
Not interested

Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden

09:11 PM

Remote / On-site

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Full time

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