I'm a full-stack software developer with 6y of experience

Private information
LiveView OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL ReactJS Tailwind

As a full-stack developer with over five years of experience in web development, I have a strong foundation in a variety of technologies and frameworks. My expertise includes Elixir (Phoenix, Ecto, LiveView), NodeJS (Typescript), React, Java (Spring Boot), PHP, AWS, Docker, and Kafka. I have a particular focus on functional programming and am actively expanding my knowledge in this area, as well as in Elixir and NestJS.

I have a proven track record of successfully delivering projects, and am highly skilled in designing and building microservices architectures. In my free time, I am dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in my field and continuously improving my skills.

Open to offers

Joinville, Sc, Brazil

07:39 PM

Prefer remote

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Full time


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