Curious, evergreen learner and an amazing asset for any team!

Private information
OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL Tailwind

I’ve been writing code for a living for the last 3 years now and I love it! Back in the day I started to learn Python in order to automate boring and repetitive browser tasks and from then on it was learning experience after learning experience.

I fell in love with programming and I taught myself how to code up to the point where I was able to get a job as a software developer. As a developer I like to work in great teams where I can contribute and learn. I tend to focus on the backend side of things and as such I’m very good at backendish stuff.

I’ve helped to migrate services from old and clunky Java code into modern Elixir, I’ve built payment systems that move a lot of money and I’ve also helped to build and maintain video call platforms by integrating third-party APIs. All while writing testable and robust code.

I’m an artist at heart! I play guitar, play chess, write poetry both in Spanish and in English and I’ve been woodworking for the last couple of months as a hobby in order to build my own furniture and my own guitars!

Open to offers

Managua, Managua, Nicaragua

03:27 PM

Prefer remote

Interested in offers

Full time

Part time


Interested in roles

