I have been a software engineer for 10 years. My professional career focuses on Elixir, JavaScript, and Typescript. I have excellent experience with ReactJS, Next.js, and Phoenix. Elixir is a big part of my daily life for creating high-performance products and APIs. My primary operations are in financial systems and the development of content and sales management systems. I am interested in using Elixir OTP for creating fault-tolerant distributed systems and micro-frontend patterns.
Front-end: Next.js – ReactJS – Bootstrap – Redux – TypeScript – Phoenix LiveView - Tailwind CSS – Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Back-end: Elixir/Phoenix (more than 5 years)
Database and ORM: Ecto with PostgreSQL – Redis – Mnesia (Erlang runtime ETS)
Mobile: Familiar with Swift (SwiftUI)
Interests: Domain-driven Design (DDD), Distributed System.
Test: Unit testing, Jest and React Testing Library