Passionate FullStack Developer with 2+ year of experience in agile environments

Private information
LiveView MySQL/MariaDB OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL SQLite Tailwind VueJS

I am a Backend Developer with more than 2 year of experience. I have been working mainly in an agile environment and technologies like Elixir, Phoenix and LiveViews. I also have experience with other technologies such as Javascript, Angular, React, P5.js, Processing, Java, Bootstrap and Tailwind.

I am passionate about challenges. In my opinion, when you’re trying to solve problems you’ve never faced before you need learn new tools or skills or maybe create a new tool to solve problems and this is amazing, In my short experience as programmer, i have never seen a problem that can’t be solved with a little patience, research and effort.

I have been working on elixir for 1+ year. I’m a big fan of Elixir and generative art

Actively looking

Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico

04:16 PM

Prefer remote

Interested in offers

Full time

Part time


Interested in roles

