Senior Software Engineer & Team Builder

Private information
Blockchain Erlang LiveView Nerves OTP Phoenix PostgreSQL ReactJS SQLite Tailwind

Experienced with IC to Tech Lead transitions, building MVPs and products from scratch in the VC ecosystem Team Builder and inspired to be the best Tech Manager I could ever had. Passionate for buiding solutions based on software with product design vision

During the past years, I have been building infrastructure for Millions of IoT devices, enabling people to manage and track in real-time thousands of transactions through our systems.

This project included

  • Nerves (Custom system)
  • Phoenix channels
  • LiveView
  • ReactJS
  • Libcluster
  • PostgreSQL
  • TimescaleDB
  • Python
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • AWS Greengrass (IoT)
  • Github actions for CI/CD

Absolutely convinced that as a experienced software engineers, we can build better career paths for new developers, taking advantage of decades of investigation, using good practices, knowledge and the software tools we have available, to make fail less software projects in the world and make happier developer lifes.

Actively looking

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

04:46 PM

Remote / On-site

Interested in offers

Full time

Part time


Interested in roles



Principal / Staff