Hire top Elixir developers in Mali
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Mali. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Mali or similar timezones
Full-Stack/Backend Senior Elixir Engineer | imaginative, lean, practical, and focused
Porto - Portugal Similar timezone
I enjoy helping to move projects of all kinds forward, solving many kinds of problems, producing well-tested code that is clean and thoughtful and that keeps paths open for future extension, all while... -
Final year software engineer student
Porto - Portugal Similar timezone
Hello ππ» Iβm a final year software engineering student looking to enter in the job market with elixir. Iβve built and contributed to elixir phoenix open source projects and I would love to work with i... -
Full-stack Elixir Developer
Greater London - United Kingdom Similar timezone
I am a seasoned backend and data engineer with strong operational skills and a keen interest in front-end development. My expertise spans a range of technologies, including Ruby, Elixir, Node.js, Reac... -
Loves programming, solving problems, and technology in general
NA - Portugal Similar timezone
Programming is a key way I express my creativity and solve problems. It offers various solutions to various problems, and I enjoy on finding the most effective one for each. While some versatile tools... -
Senior / Staff Engineer | Phoenix | LiveView
England - UK Similar timezone
Hello everyone, Iβm an experienced Elixir developer (around six years commercially, with more than ten years of Ruby before that), very familiar with Phoenix and LiveView, familiar with Absinthe, and ... -
Full-stack developer
Braga - Portugal Similar timezone
I'm a software engineer from Braga, Portugal. I have worked on a few personal projects using Elixir and Phoenix, as well as my Master Dissertation project, a full-stack Phoenix LiveView application. I... -
Experienced erlang/elixir developer with a focus on data processing
Cardiff - UK Similar timezone
Worked in several companies with focus on data collection and processing, security and analytics domain. Work with erlang since 2011 and with elixir since 2021. Skilled in all sorts of devops related ... -
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