Hire top Remote Elixir developers in France
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in France. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from France or similar timezones
Full-stack Engineer // Artist and team player
Ile-de-France - France
Curiosity led me to that path. With over 10 years of experience, I started working professionally as a Ruby developer, switched to Elixir in 2019 by building a Tekken related website, then became a fr... -
Founding/Staff Engineer looking for the next adventure
Pays de la Loire - France
Hey ! My name is Thomas. Software craftsmanship with experience in a lot of languages and frameworks. TypeScript/Kotlin/Dart Experience in backends, web and mobile. Very quick learner. Looking for an ... -
Fullstack Software Engineer
Drome - France
๐ Hey I like to play drums and guitar. In my spare time (which is pretty rare), I like to read about Elixir, Erlang and BEAM. At the moment, I'm studying AI with Nx and Erlang. I like to see how we ca... -
Full-stack product engineer and technical co-founder who loves building tech products that are a pleasure to use and solve real problems.
Haute-Savoie - France
I'm a full-stack product engineer with strengths working in agile teams using industry-standard tools and libraries with over 10 years' experience building and delivering software professionally. I ha... -
Software Architect & Engineer | Expert in Full-Stack Development, Microservices & IoT
รle de France - France
Passionate about computing from a young age, I joined 42 in 2017, where I learned programming, electronic design, and web development. Initially captivated by low-level programming, my interests have ... -
Junior Elixir / Phoenix and Front JS
--------- - France
Hello, I'm an Angular / Vue front-end developer, as well as an API Rest / Make integromat support integrator for the company I currently work for. Originally a hobbyist (ASM68k / VB6 ), I discovered ... -
Software Developer with one-year experience with Elixir in production
France - France
With a background spanning several years in marketing and the artistic field, I embarked on a career change to Software Development driven by a desire to leverage my skills in crafting groundbreaking ... -
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