Hire top Elixir developers in Tanzania
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Tanzania. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Tanzania or similar timezones
Software engineer passionated about working with Elixir and Ruby.
São Paulo - Brazil Similar timezone
Software Engineer with experience working with Elixir and Ruby on Rails in different projects from the last 8 years. Also worked with: Microservices context by using patterns and technogies such as Ev... -
Passionate about promoting software quality, improving the development process, and building highly scalable systems and teams. A clear communicator.
Kisumu - Kenya Similar timezone
I have rich background in backend development, a passion for software quality and demostrated track record for shipping scalable software and building teams too. As a software contractor at PULPO WMS,... -
I build quality software!
Kampala - Uganda Similar timezone
A passionate problem solver, at peak when allowed to exercise creativity and innovativeness in finding new and optimum solutions to problems at hand. Very collaborative and ready to exchange ideas to ... -
Elixir | Phoenix | Live View | React | Tailwind
Nairobi - Kenya Similar timezone
Hello there, I'm an experienced Software Engineer with more than 6 years of coding experience. During this exciting journey, I've had the pleasure of working with Elixir, TypeScript and Python. I'm pa... -
Software Developer, Architect
Punjab - Pakistan Similar timezone
I’m a Software Developer with 5 years of expertise in engineering leadership, product development and pragmatic problem solving. Brought in various business impacts from shipping features fast to rear... -
Fullstack Elixir Developer
Nairobi - Kenya Similar timezone
My value propositions are: Self-driven mindset High Elixir interest - I can bear with writing some JS (hooks) anyway. Life-long learner - give me a totally new challenge, I will first learn, then work... -
A developer who loves to talk about product
Harjumaa - Estonia Similar timezone
I am passionate about programming. I love exploring various subjects within the programming universe, and I am continually pursuing knowledge and additional skills. Whether delving into the intricacie... -
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