Hire top Elixir developers in Turkey
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Turkey. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Turkey or similar timezones
Switching to Elixir, AQA senior
Izmir - Türkiye
I worked in avionics, automotive and WEB test automation and backend (8 years over all) I have met functional programming during studies and was charmed. I decided that I want to work in this area I h... -
Software engineer passionated about working with Elixir and Ruby.
São Paulo - Brazil Similar timezone
Software Engineer with experience working with Elixir and Ruby on Rails in different projects from the last 8 years. Also worked with: Microservices context by using patterns and technogies such as Ev... -
Self-taught software developer, I code Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Tailwind, AlpineJS, Javascript and React.
Nairobi - Kenya Similar timezone
Self and community-taught software developer, Biochemistry and teaching are my other professions. When not writing code I cook, work out and do morning runs. Lighting up African and Kenya one line of ... -
Motivated Developer and with great soft skills
Madrid - Spain Similar timezone
Software Engineer with 6+ years of experience in Python, Ruby, Node.js, and JavaScript, seeking full-time Elixir development role. I am a passionate and experienced software engineer with a strong tra... -
Elixir Developer. Worked with various architectures. 2+ years with Elixir.
Kenya - Kenya Similar timezone
Getty is a software developer currently specialising on building amazing stuff with Elixir. Worked both backend and fullstack. Interacted with various team setups including but not limited to microser... -
I build quality software!
Kampala - Uganda Similar timezone
A passionate problem solver, at peak when allowed to exercise creativity and innovativeness in finding new and optimum solutions to problems at hand. Very collaborative and ready to exchange ideas to ... -
A FullStack developer focused on building industry standards applications with Elixir and Phoenix
Nairobi county - Kenya Similar timezone
I am a developer residing in Nairobi passionate about building web based applications with Elixir using Phoenix in the backend and JavaScript frameworks in the front-end. I also enjoy using Phoenix Li... -
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