Hire top Remote Elixir developers in Barbados
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in Barbados. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from Barbados or similar timezones
Problem solver with over a decade of experience
Florida - USA Similar timezone
With over a decade of experience building software, I approach problems from a data-first and composable systems mindset. My professional focus has been delivering reliable, scalable, real-time softwa... -
Senior Software Developer | Backend | Ready for the next challenge
Distrito Nacional - Dominican Republic Similar timezone
I'm a senior developer with strong focus on quality both internal and external. I love aggressive automation and DevOps. My background is mostly on Object Oriented, C-family languages, using both impe... -
Software Engineer
Rondônia - Brazil Similar timezone
I am a software engineer with a strong expertise in Elixir and Phoenix Framework, dedicated to building high-quality, scalable, and maintainable applications. I have experience building and maintainin... -
I fix and improve things
NJ - United States Similar timezone
With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and hands-on experience in a variety of platforms and languages to create and implement software applications, I am confident I will be an asset to your or... -
Elixir Engineer | Senior Software Engineer
Punjab - Pakistan Similar timezone
I have a deep understanding of the PETAL stack, with a focus on building scalable and concurrent applications using Phoenix, LiveView, Tailwind, and OTP. With a strong foundation in functional program... -
Elixir Developer currently located in Rochester, NY
NY - USA Similar timezone
I am an Elixir developer with over five years of programming experience. -
Results-oriented developer with over ten years of professional experience. Excels at finding concise, elegant solutions to complicated problems.
OH - US Similar timezone
I've been creating applications for the web since 2011, originally in PHP, then Ruby, and—for the last five years—in Elixir. My experience has given me a great deal of insight on how to build web appl... -
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