Hire top Elixir developers in Australia
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Australia. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Australia or similar timezones
Senior Software Engineer
Victoria - Australia
I am an experienced professional with 10+ years in the IT field. Specifically, my focus has been developing enterprise applications for large companies worldwide, such as Xplor Technologies, VizExplor... -
Polyglot senior engineer
NSW - Australia
10+ years experience as an agile, technical team leader, system architect and full-stack developer with an in-depth working knowledge of high-availability, real-time systems, dynamic user interfaces, ... -
Go, C, Erlang and Elixir using PostgreSQL.
Victoria - Australia
I have always love learning new skill and building appications. -
10 years Elixir fanboy. Meetup organiser. Conference speaker. BEAM VM internals nerd.
Victoria - Australia
I've been following Elixir since pretty soon after it was announced. I had already been a huge fan of Erlang since 2007 (after some nasty Java shared state concurrency bugs), but didn't love the synta... -
Experienced CTO with active hands on experience
NSW - Australia
Former homebrew core maintainer. Active OSS contributor. 15+ years of experience building distributed systems for companies such as eBay & Groupon. Worked in healthcare, fintech, gov, ecommerce, socia... -
Software engineer based in Sydney, Australia
NSW - Australia
I create useful software with teams of skilled professionals. It's the bread and butter stuff of my career and it doesn't seem to get old. I'd like to continue to do that for the foreseeable future. I... -
Elixir fanboy with Ruby experience as well
Western Australia - Australia
For the last six years I've worked with Elixir and I've worked with Ruby. I've done the odd bug-fix with other languages, so I'm comfortable with unfamiliar languages. Of all the languages I've worked... -
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