Hire top Elixir developers in Brazil
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Brazil. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Brazil or similar timezones
Software engineer passionated about working with Elixir and Ruby.
São Paulo - Brazil
Software Engineer with experience working with Elixir and Ruby on Rails in different projects from the last 8 years. Also worked with: Microservices context by using patterns and technogies such as Ev... -
Senior Software Engineer
Paraná - Brazil
Software developer since 2009 Believing that software development is a creative process, working to help teams to deliver software with great quality and rich experience Interests: Software architectu... -
Backend developer, Elixir and Java are my main technologies
Espírito Santo - Brazil
Backend developer Programming: Elixir, Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL Frameworks: Phoenix, Spring, Laravel Database: Mysql, Postgres, Elasticsearch Web: HTML5, CSS3 APIs: RestFull, GraphQL Versioning e ... -
Experienced Elixir developer with a passion for building scalable, fault-tolerant applications. Proficient in functional programming and OTP, with a focus on clean code and high-performance solutions.
RJ - Brazil
I am a Elixir Senior Software Engineer with a passion for building robust and scalable solutions. With diverse industry experience, I bring a wealth of expertise to every project. At UnDigital, I repo... -
Software craftsmanship in progress 🛠️💻
DF - Brazil
Software Engineer with a focus on crafting robust software. Experienced in architecting and designing distributed systems, with additional background in zero knowledge proofs, decentralized finance, D... -
Elixir developer looking for an opportunity.
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Experienced Software Engineer with a solid 2-year track record in the industry. I have an insatiable appetite for new experiences and challenges, and I'm on the lookout for a workplace that offers a w... -
Backend developer in love with building products.
Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil
A passionate Elixir and Erlang developer with a drive to create high-performing, scalable, and resilient applications. Born and raised in the town of Açu, Brazil, I've always been fascinated by the po... -
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