Hire top Elixir developers in Pennsylvania
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Pennsylvania. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in Pennsylvania or similar timezones
Distributed systems specialist
PA - United States
Enthusiastic about distributed systems, security/compliance automation, programming languages. -
Forging Digital Frontiers in the Elixir Ecosystem with Strategic Vision and Technical Expertise
IL - United States Similar timezone
With almost 20 years of expertise in constructing cutting-edge web applications for a vast user base, I have successfully nurtured and guided teams, designed streamlined architectures that encapsulate... -
Elixir developer with 6+ years of experience
South Carolina - United States of America Similar timezone
Hi! I'm a software developer that thrives working with domain experts on technical problems to create high quality software solutions. I've worked on applications involving fullstack web development, ... -
Huge fan of Elixir and LiveView
FL - US Similar timezone
Proficient in functional programming and OOP languages, particularly Elixir and Ruby. -
Functional, polyglot, full-stack web developer
OH - United States Similar timezone
I'm a software developer with 10+ years of experience in a variety of web stacks, with a preference for well-modeled, functional design. Most recently, I've worked on a Elixir LiveView application for... -
Senior Software Engineer with 9+ years of experience specializing in Elixir, Phoenix, and distributed systems
MD - United States Similar timezone
Passionate, robust, proficient, pragmatic, hands-on Elixir developer renowned for delivering projects and contributing to cross-functional teams while nurturing and upholding client relationships. Car... -
Professor in Computer Science / Senior Software Engineering / Software Architect
FL - USA Similar timezone
My teaching and professional expertise spans a period of more than 20 years, a time during which I have worked with cutting-edge technologies in the area of web development, mobile application develop... -
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