Hire top Elixir developers in North Carolina
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in North Carolina. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in North Carolina or similar timezones
Veteran Alchemist, Adaptive Leader
NC - United States
I've been operating in Elixir and its community for +10 years, and performed every technical role on the career ladder in startups for +15 years. I'm open to new opportunities that marry these areas o... -
Personable and user-focused senior web developer
Creative problem-solver specializing in web-based applications and technology. I have a strong track record of success in developing and delivering high-quality, scalable code and software and collabo... -
Forging Digital Frontiers in the Elixir Ecosystem with Strategic Vision and Technical Expertise
IL - United States Similar timezone
With almost 20 years of expertise in constructing cutting-edge web applications for a vast user base, I have successfully nurtured and guided teams, designed streamlined architectures that encapsulate... -
Passionate software engineer with a strong affinity for Elixir and hands-on expertise in CI/CD, Kubernetes, and Docker
Delaware - United States Similar timezone
With 12+ years of experience, I am a seasoned Software Engineer specializing in Elixir development for the past 4 years. My core strength lies in crafting microservices within the context of Event-Dri... -
Manager and developer with product and R&D experience
Georgia - United States Similar timezone
After working for years as a developer and leader, I moved into management. I have been fortunate to work with and learn from incredibly talented folks, and work on multiple R&D projects. -
Elixir engineer who loves building valuable software
FL - US Similar timezone
I am a software engineer, primarily focused on Elixir, whose greatest strength is the ability to deconstruct a problem and ๏ฌnd a solution. During my 15+ years of experience, I have been on a fantastic... -
Curious, experienced software developer who loves solving problems
Michigan - United States Similar timezone
I am a software developer of deep experience. I have been involved in more than one project that saved a lot of time and money for the companies I've worked for. I'm proud to say that in most cases th... -
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