Hire top Remote Elixir developers in South America
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs working remotely in South America. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Remote Elixir developers from South America or similar timezones
Software engineer passionated about working with Elixir and Ruby.
São Paulo - Brazil
Software Engineer with experience working with Elixir and Ruby on Rails in different projects from the last 8 years. Also worked with: Microservices context by using patterns and technogies such as Ev... -
Innovative Elixir alchemist with a curiosity for new challenges and scalable solutions.
Distrito Capital - Paraguay
Dad, husband and software development enthusiast. Competitive, visionary & faithful. -
Experienced Software Engineer
São Paulo - Brazil
I am passionate about delivering high-quality code that can have a positive impact and generate maximum value for the company and its users. I am always concerned about the user experience and dedicat... -
Full-stack web engineer. Elixir, Rails, React
CE - Brazil
I started in 2006 – long before the Internet became this popular product platform. In my journey, I had opportunities to work on web projects in different industries – from content-heavy domains like ... -
Software engineer | Elixir | Go | React
Sao paulo - Brazil
👋 Hey there! I'm a Full-stack developer with 5 years of experience and a passion for startup culture and team collaboration. I specialize in a range of programming languages including PHP, Elixir, Jav... -
Pet's Father and Developer since 2014
Sao Paulo - Brazil
In love with Phoenix LiveView since 2020 I used worked with Ruby while working at Plataformatec back in 2017, and I started working with Elixir in 2020 when Bleacher Report gave me the first opportuni... -
Web developer with 10+ years of general experience and just some experience on elixir itself
São Paulo - Brasil
I'm passionate about learning new things and finding great and creative solutions for a problem. That said, I'm also a software developer with over 10 years of experience, moved by those passions and ... -
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