Hire top Elixir developers in North America
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs in North America. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers in North America or similar timezones
Problem solver with over a decade of experience
Florida - USA
With over a decade of experience building software, I approach problems from a data-first and composable systems mindset. My professional focus has been delivering reliable, scalable, real-time softwa... -
Experienced Senior Software Generalist
CA - United States
I am a developer with nearly 30 years of programming experience. From back-end work in Elixir, Ruby, Node, Python and more, to front-end work in React, Svelte, Vue, Elm, and good ol' plain JavaScript,... -
Forging Digital Frontiers in the Elixir Ecosystem with Strategic Vision and Technical Expertise
IL - United States
With almost 20 years of expertise in constructing cutting-edge web applications for a vast user base, I have successfully nurtured and guided teams, designed streamlined architectures that encapsulate... -
Software Engineer looking to solve interesting problems using powerful tools like Elixir!
Professional Journey I've navigated through various roles like Backend Engineer, Team Lead, and Dev Ops. The goal has always been about fostering a culture of learning and collaboration, ensuring that... -
Backend/Full Stack Senior Elixir Developer
BC - Canada
Experienced Elixir developer, wildly enthusiastic about the Elixir and OTP ecosystem, and a big fan of the functional programming paradigm. Previous experience includes: Designing and developing finan... -
Creator of IntelliJ Elixir; Lumen/FireFly and LiveViewNative Core Team alum
Minnesota - United States
I created the IntelliJ Elixir plugin in 2014 when Elixir was pre-1.0. Along the way I I've found bugs in the native Elixir implementation of the lexer and parser. To improve the experience for develop... -
Technical lead, cultural lead
Colorado - USA
As a server-side software engineer, I possess over a decade of software industry experience, with seven of those years focused on utilizing Elixir in real-world applications. Historically I have also ... -
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