Hire top Elixir developers worldwide
ElixirDevs helps you hire the best Elixir developers for freelance and full-time jobs worldwide. With 600+ Elixir developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects and consultants available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest Elixir talent network.
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Elixir developers worldwide
Full stack product-focused developer passionate about fast shipping cultures
Quebec - Canada
Passionate jack-of-all-trades full-stack builder and entrepreneur with 12+ years of experience looking for a high impact role. I started a consulting company right out of school that grew to 10 people... -
Product-Focused Fullstack Elixir Developer
I'm a software developer specializing in soft-real time systems, including collaborative document editing, game dev, networking, video streaming, and distributed command-and-control systems. I thrive ... -
Veteran Alchemist, Adaptive Leader
NC - United States
I've been operating in Elixir and its community for +10 years, and performed every technical role on the career ladder in startups for +15 years. I'm open to new opportunities that marry these areas o... -
Experienced Software Engineer | Go, Kubernetes, Elixir, CI/CD, DevOps
Berlin - Germany
I am a highly skilled software engineer with a diverse range of experience and expertise, including Elixir , Go , VoIP , and telecommunication systems. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my abi... -
Staff Software Engineer | Expertise in GraphQL and Full-Stack Development
With over 9 years of industry experience, I bring a robust background in Software Engineering and Mobile Development, specializing in the last 4 years in Federated GraphQL architectures and API contra... -
Senior Engineer with 15+ years XP | CTO | Thrives in Startup Environment
Cluj - Romania
Why work with me I love helping startups succeed through technology. Over the years I've become a key developer in several startups and helped guide the founders in picking the right technologies that... -
Software Engineer | Full-Stack | Elixir | Phoenix | React
Nuevo León - México
👋 Hello, I'm a software engineer with over 10 years of experience in web development. Throughout my career, I’ve worked across all software development life cycles, from analyzing requirements and def... -
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